استضافه اجنبيه: 5 جيجا مساحه+50 جيجا باندويتس +لوحة تحكم : Zhcp


طاقم الإدارة
25 فبراير 2008
استضافه مجانيه

5 جيجا مساحه

50 جيجا باندويدث (نقل بيانات)

لوحة تحكم : ZHCP

اف تي بي + لا يوجد اعلانات على موقعك

PHP Ver 5.1.6

MySQL Databases 5

PHPMyAdmin Ver 2.8.2


TLD Domain

Free TLD Domain

ودعم مجاني

والكثر ستجد على هذه الاستضافه الاجنبيه الرائعه

للتسجيل في الاستضافه

Disk space5000MBThe total amount of web space per accountData transfer (Monthly)50000MBAmount of bandwidth transfer per monthControl PanelZHCPZymic Hosting Control Panel for easy managementNumber of AccountsUnlimitedYou can host as many websites with us as you like!FTP AccessYesUpload, rename and edit your website files with easeAdvertisementsNoWe do not put any kind of advertisements on your website
Free Web Hosting - PHP and Databases

PHPVer 5.1.6We support the latest version of PHPMySQL Databases5We accept a total of 5 MySQL database accountsPHPMyAdminVer 2.8.2Advanced MySQL database management.
Free Web Hosting - Domain Names

Sub-DomainsYesA range of choices such as 99k.org, zxq.net, zymichost.comTLD DomainYesYou can use your own domain on our hostingFree TLD DomainYesWin a free domain (e.g. site.com)
Free Web Hosting - Zymic Hosting Control Panel (ZHCP) Features

File ManagerYesUpload, edit, rename, and delete files instead of using FTPStatisticsWebalizerAdvanced statistics to show how many visitors you getCash PrizesYesThe top 3 most popular websites every month win a cash prize!MySQL ManagementYesWeb based MySQL management or simply use PHPMyAdminFree SupportYesWe provide free community based supportAccount SettingsYesChange various settings including E-Mail, password, etc