سكربت تحميل صور Scripteen Free Image Hosting Script


العبد الفقير إلى الله
طاقم الإدارة
9 مارس 2008
Scripteen Free Image Hosting Script

الاسكربت مجانى يستخدم لرفع الصور يستخدم الاجاكس فى التحميل وله تصميم جميل وجذاب ولوحة تحكم قوية

مميزات الاسكربت :
متوفرة باللغة الانجليزية فى الأسفل

كيفية التركيب :
1- قم بعمل قاعدة بيانات وعمل يوزر خاص بها واضف صلاحيات كاملة لليوزر فى هذه القاعدة
2- قم برفع الملفات إلى موقعك
3- قم برفع هذه الملفات من الاف تى بى فقط وليس من السى بانل
.htaccess - images/.htacess
4- اعطى المجلد التالى images تصريح 777
5- افتح الرابط التالى بعد الانتهاء مع استبدال اسم الموقع site.com برابط الاسكربت لموقعك site.com/install.php Site.com/admin/index.php
6- قم بالأنتهاء من تنصيب الاسكربت ثم قم بحذف الملف install.php
7- افتح لوحة تحكم الاسكربت على الرابط التالى (مع استبدال ما يلزم)
8- قم بالتعديل على اعدادات الاسكربت كما تحب

شرح الترقية باللغة الانجليزية فى الأسفل

التحميل بالمرفقات

Demo :


Scripteen Free Image Hosting Script will impress your visitors with the speed of Ajax upload making your site their favorite image hosting site and you will not find any troubles making your site popular as the script will attract users by its various user friendly features and adorable design and the convenient user control panel. The script is loaded with features that will give you full control over your site resources in terms of disk space and bandwidth and also has features for viral spread of your site and generating huge number of page views and advertising exposure and clicks and thus more revenue that would cost you couple hundreds on paid image hosting scripts but you just get this script for free!

Script Features:

- Nice and user friendly design.
- High CTR ad placements.
- Dynamic navigation bar with 3 link groups for guests/members/admin.
- Support for gif,jpg,jpeg,png,bmp with thumbnails by default.
- Ajax Multi file upload.
- Url upload (uploading from links).
- Auto thumbnail generation.
- Enhanced Photo gallery.
- Users can report images as adult.
- Auto generation of different linking types.
- Send links to email.
- Member registration system with email confirmation.
- Advanced user control panel.
- Members can see all photos and their links from user cp.
- Members can see where their photos are posted.
- Members can see how much bandwidth their photos are using.
- Members can delete photos from user cp.

Admin Features:

- Welcome page with site stats.
- Advanced configuration page to set detailed options for users/guests like file types/max file size / max bandwidth and more.
- Ability to add multiple servers to distribute site disk and bandwidth usage.
- Admin can view/search/edit/ban/delete users.
- Admin can view/delete images.
- Image cleaner to delete unused images.
- Enable / disable URL upload for guests. - Enable / disable URL upload for members.
- Ad manager to control advertising slots all over the site.
- IP blocker to block users violating terms from uploading more photos.

New in V2.0!

- Admin/Moderator can handle reports.
- Admin can disable ads for registered users.
- Admin can disable / enable new image uploads.
- Admin can disable / enable new user registrations.
- Admin can disable / enable image uploading servers.
- Home page now shows random image on the left corner.
- Admin can delete photos directly from the gallery page.
- Admin can delete photos directly from the image viewing page.
- Added predefined grouping system: Admin >>> Moderator >>> User.
- Moderators can delete images, Edit/delete/suspend,Activate users.
- Admin/Moderator can delete photos directly from the gallery page.
- Admin/Moderator can delete photos directly from the image viewing page.

How to install :

*** >>> Installation guide <<< ***
1- Create a database and assign user to it with full permissions.
2- Upload files to your hosting via FTP ONLY.
3- Upload the following files through FTP (not cpanel)
.htaccess - images/.htacess
4- Chmod the folder \"images\"to writable value of 777
5- Run the installer at site.com/install.php
6- Remove the file \"install.php\" from the server.
7- Open Admin panel located at Site.com/admin/index.php
With the admin account you created during install and customize your site settings from settings page.

After Install:

1- You can customize the site logo from the PSD file located at i/logo.psd
2- You can customize the watermarking images by putting watermark.png (200*50) and th_watermark (50*13).

*** >>> Upgrade guide <<< ***

Upgrade from old version to this version
1- Delete all old install files except
inc/db.php and \"images\" folder
2- Upload all the script new files WITHOUT the inc/db.php file.
3- Upload the following files through FTP (not cpanel)
.htaccess - images/.htacess - images/index.php
4- Run the file \"upgrade.php\" one time then remove the file.

Last Updated: 10/03/2010
Current Version: 2.7
Requirements: PHP, MySQL, Mod_Rewrite

Copyrights cannot be removed without buying a footer link removal licence from here

Download from attachments

لا يمكن حذف الحقوق الموجودة فى الاسكربت إلا بشراء ترخيص حذف الحقوق من الرابط التالى


  • Scripteen Free Image Hosting Script v2.7.jpg
    Scripteen Free Image Hosting Script v2.7.jpg
    86.5 KB · المشاهدات: 3,463
  • free-image-hosting-script.zip
    483 KB · المشاهدات: 697